How to buy the perfect suit
>> Monday, April 12, 2010

The Fit: Your suit should fit your body closely but not hug it. It should not be baggy.
The Jacket: When you try on the jacket, fasten the upper button and raise your arms. There should be a three-inch gap between your breastbone and the suit. The hem of the suit behind should reach a little below your bottom. Do not fasten the lower button as it will rip when you sit.
The Shirt: With the jacket on, a half inch of your shirt cuffs should be visible. Your shirt should also be comfortable with the top button fastened.
The Tie: The ideal tie length should graze your belt buckle
The Suit Collar: Make sure the suit collar fits such that a quarter inch of your shirt is visible when standing. This will prevent your shirt from disappearing below your suit when you sit down.
Shoulder Padding: If you have broad shoulders, you will need less padding than someone with narrow shoulders. Your shoulder pads should square off your shoulders.
Jacket Sleeves: Jacket sleeves should display a half inch of your shirt cuffs. When you stretch your arms, the jacket sleeves should reach your wrist.
The Pants: Wear your pants a little above your hips, near your belly button. Make sure the fork is not too loose or too tight; it should be comfortable to sit and stand in. Your pant hem should reach the bottom of your ankle.
Belt, Shoes and Watch: Nothing ruins a suit like a gaudy accessory. Make sure your accessories match your suit. Finally, cuff links add an air of luxury and refinement to any suit.
The key is to keep it simple, elegant and classic. Suit up, gentlemen!